Friday 8 November 2013

Pizza fractions

We arrived at school to find a special delivery!

There was a letter waiting for us:

The pizzas were lots of different shapes:

We worked together to investigate how to cut each pizza into equal quarters.

Once the shapes were cut into 1/4 pieces we could then add some toppings!

We learned that triangles are tricky shapes to quarter!  This needed some careful investigating!

Whilst our pizzas were cooking we then explored how to quarter lots of different 2d shapes:

Niamh folded her rectangle into 8 pieces! She quickly worked out how to write the correct fraction for each piece!

We then shared all the fabulous fraction facts we had learned:

At last our pizzas were ready. Everyone got to have 2 pieces each. Seth quickly worked out that 2 quarters are the same as one half.

The pizzas were soon eaten by all the Wrens! Next time you have a pizza, how many pieces will you cut it into? Halves? Quarters? Eighths?
 Coming soon...more fabulous investigations by our very own Ship Shape Services team!

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